Directions to Bolton-le-Sands
Remember to check the latest travel news before you travel whether by car, coach or train. Use our route planning service to find out how to get to Bolton le Sands.
Travelling by Car: Bolton-le-Sands is accessible from Junctions 34 & 35 on the M6, Most local’s recommend taking Junction 35, as this avoid’s Lancaster City Center Traffic.
Travelling by Bus: Lancaster Bus Station is a major interchange where national, regional and local connections are available. Major operators include Stagecoach and National Express. For further information contact traveline on 0871 200 2233.
Nearest Train Station: Carnforth Station, Warton Road, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9TR (Home of Brief Encounter) – For more information on booking trains please contact National Rail on 08457 000125.